Snapdragon Delta-8-THC White Chocolate Macadamia Cookies (60 mg total Delta-8-THC) for sale
The Snapdragon Delta-8-THC White Chocolate Macadamia Cookies contain 30 mg of Delta-8-THC per cookie and are absolutely delicious! Each pack contains 2 of these amazing cookies! These White Chocolate Macadamia cookies are baked fresh and then vacuum sealed for the freshest delivery of a potent, one-of-a-kind uplifting and motivating feel with a calming body sensation. This tasty cookie is made with flavorless Delta-8-THC distillate derived from US grown hemp, so there’s little to no cannabis flavor!
What is Delta-8-THC?
Delta-8-THC is another cannabinoid found in the cannabis plant, but unlike CBD, Delta-8-THC can have psychoactive effects, similar to Delta-9-THC (which is what is found in marijuana).
Many consumers report that Delta-8-THC gives them an overall sense of well-being because the CB1 and C2B cannabinoid receptors involved are associated with homeostasis (the body’s natural resting state). Other users of Delta-8-THC have reported feeling relaxed, energized, and clear headed. Some have even mentioned that Delta-8-THC has eliminated forms of nausea that come from alcohol hangovers.
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